This past weekend my husband and I were able to get away to Gatlinburg Tennessee and stay in a lovely chalet in the mountains. It was beautiful. The mountains jutted out of the ground in front of our cabin so we could take in their majesty and appreciate the Creators design. We were fortunate enough to be able to take Friday as a vacation day and head to our destination with absolutely no rushing around or stressful moments. It was WONDERFUL! We met our friends, Steve and Paige Breeding in Knoxville and followed each other the rest of the way. Upon entering the cabin, we immediately felt relaxed, and were ready to visit with each other. See, it's been about 5 years since we've been able to spend any real time with our friends. they moved to Chattanooga a few months before their first son was born. Spencer is now 5 years old and enjoying his first year of school in Kindergarten. Parker, his little brother, just turned two and keeps his parents very busy indeed. We sat down and picked up like we'd never been apart. We caught up on everything from kids, to parents, marriage and friendship. We discussed politics, the perfect vacation, how God is working and showing Himself faithful in our lives. We discussed our goals and visions for the future, our hopes for our kids, the passing of time, the maddening schedules and duties we find ourselves doing. And this was all before the sun went down. As the evening went on we sat in the hot tub, with not a thought for the cellulite and extra pounds we would show, we laughed and talked till the moon was high in the sky, no schedule, no agenda, no apprehension, just enjoying each other's company.
Our Saturday was just the same, hanging out with nothing to do but talk, visit, and enjoy. We finally left our cabin to eat a very good meal at a close by restaurant. Our funny waitresses name was Poochie, I kid you not, POOCHIE! Of course she was the focus of much our laughing at that table to say the least. Back to the cabin, back in the hot tub, back to playing pool, back to planning our 10 year anniversary trip. We are going to try to go together since we were married within two weeks of each other and have trekked this adventure we call marriage together just about every step of the way. I didn't want to go to bed that night because I knew this cocoon we had made for ourselves would be cut open the next morning and we would have to fly away. The four of us stayed up till 2am before we finally surrendered to sleep.
Sunday morning was very different, we were up, we were focused. We cleaned, we packed, we showered and dressed and we were off. Back to our lives, back to reality, back to our schedules and duties and demands. Our little cocoon had been opened and there was no getting back inside. We quickly said goodbye so as not to be emotional, and went our separate ways. I love my life, I love everything about it, but there is something about getting out of the mainstream of living and sharing uninterrupted time with people who love you for who you are, not who they want you to be. People that accept and love you warts and all, people that will always be there for you no matter what the future holds. That's the beauty of the gift of friendship. That gift has been given to Bill and I in the people of Steve and Paige. Thank you Lord for friendship, thank you Lord for Steve and Paige.
Our Saturday was just the same, hanging out with nothing to do but talk, visit, and enjoy. We finally left our cabin to eat a very good meal at a close by restaurant. Our funny waitresses name was Poochie, I kid you not, POOCHIE! Of course she was the focus of much our laughing at that table to say the least. Back to the cabin, back in the hot tub, back to playing pool, back to planning our 10 year anniversary trip. We are going to try to go together since we were married within two weeks of each other and have trekked this adventure we call marriage together just about every step of the way. I didn't want to go to bed that night because I knew this cocoon we had made for ourselves would be cut open the next morning and we would have to fly away. The four of us stayed up till 2am before we finally surrendered to sleep.
Sunday morning was very different, we were up, we were focused. We cleaned, we packed, we showered and dressed and we were off. Back to our lives, back to reality, back to our schedules and duties and demands. Our little cocoon had been opened and there was no getting back inside. We quickly said goodbye so as not to be emotional, and went our separate ways. I love my life, I love everything about it, but there is something about getting out of the mainstream of living and sharing uninterrupted time with people who love you for who you are, not who they want you to be. People that accept and love you warts and all, people that will always be there for you no matter what the future holds. That's the beauty of the gift of friendship. That gift has been given to Bill and I in the people of Steve and Paige. Thank you Lord for friendship, thank you Lord for Steve and Paige.
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