Summer in the South; what can I say about it........it's so many things. First and foremost it is hot, but not that Arizona 120 degree heat, it's the 90 degree kind with 89% humidity. You walk outside and it can sometimes be difficult to breathe because the moisture is so thick and sticky. You immediately have a layer of sweat over your entire body. The sun is high and bright. The sky is blue and the clouds sweep by. You can walk down to the lake and dip your toes in to cool off. Sit on the dock and watch the boats go by, and feel the ripples in the water lull you to a gentle place of semi consciousness. Or even better, get on your pontoon boat and tooch around the lake creating a breeze that will feel FANTASTIC on your moist skin.
This is my summer. I love every minute of it. The slowness of pace, the candlelit nights outside, the dinners on the deck, swimming, boating and laughing with your husband and daughter while splashing in the water. Having friends and family come spend time together cooking out, having water gun fights, sightseeing on the boat, swimming, and just enjoying each others company.
These are the things that memories are made of. I have been blessed to live in a place where you can enjoy summer and "summer like" temperatures for up to 8 months of the year! We try to thoroughly use up every one of them every year. As I get closer and closer to a place in my life when my only daughter will be leaving to go off to college, I hope that she will look back at her childhood, and those sticky summer days "up at the lake" as some the best memories of her life. Where living was slower, and we took time to just have fun, and just be together with no particular place to go!
Summer in the north is a bit different ....When it is hot it is very hot (90-95) and yes there is humidity too .... moreso though the temps range between 80-88* ....We up in the northeast so appreciate the sun because we do not get plenty of sunshine so he shows his face we are like shoopers at a sale ( all running towards the light at once ) ....Wow why couldn't all people want to run to the LIGHT ....I enjoyed this post....If you need some TRUTH and rest stop by site as well ....Enjoy your day of rest !!