Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My Point of View

This past Memorial Day weekend my honey and I decided to make it a four day weekend. We packed our satchels and grabbed our hats, jumped in the Jeep and headed to Cherokee Lake in Grainger County!

We love our little place on the lake as it is a little haven for us from the hustle and bustle of our every day lives.

This past month saw more than usual on our hectic schedules, and not just the busier than usual kind of stuff, I'm talkin the emotional, once in a lifetime milestone kind of events, ALL in this past month of May. So you can see why me and honey were ready for a break.
You see, we only have one child. A beautiful daughter of 18 years.

She is the light of my life and so so precious to me!  So I've been going crazy planning and shopping and planning and shopping for all the big events in her life; I just want so badly for them to be memorable and special.  Events that she will always remember and carry with her wherever she goes.
With that said, the first weekend in May was her Senior Prom, and you KNOW what a big deal that is ladies!

Here she is with her boyfriend showing off for the camera and practicing for the dance!
Cute aren't they!
Then the second weekend in May was the big graduation party, which was also at the lake!  We had family and friends come to celebrate with us, all of her accomplishments, and it was WONDERFUL!

My friend Pam and the mother of my daughter's best friend is playing with my great nephew Timothy while he sits on his mommy's lap!

 The CUTEST cupcakes EVER!

 Cake with my daughter's College she will attend this fall.

Daddy getting ready to take a couple of the girls out on the tube for a wet and wild ride.

Her buddies getting a tan.

Then came the BIG EVENT! The High School Graduation of the Class of 2011! 
Here she is peeking up at us from her row, waiting anxiously for all the speeches to be over so she can take "the walk"!

Finally out of the 500 students graduating that day HER name was called out and she took that stroll across the stage! I was SO excited to see her mark this occassion down in her life, it was crazy how excited I was.  I shared this moment with my honey of course, my parents, my brother, my sister and brother in law, my daughter's boyfriend and his family, my honey's brother and sister in law and his parents, as well as several close friends who fought the traffic to the 20,000 seat basketball arena where all of the graduations in our town took place one after the other that entire weekend!

She looks REALLY happy to have that diploma in her hand!

Now after all the pomp and circumstance, she is REALLY, REALLY happy holding the dozen white roses she received from her daddy!

Now as I write this, she is gone on her Senior Trip with her four best friends.  They are doing a couple days at Disney in Orlando and then taking a 4 day cruise to the Bahamas!  (Hope your having fun baby!)

So again, you can see why me and honey SO needed to take a breather.  Here are some pix from "my point of view" of our relaxing weekend.  I hope you enjoy the lake house and surrounding country side.  It is something to behold as far as I'm concerned.  You can't get much more beautiful than East Tennessee.

 My pocket parrot Pierce

My boxer Zoe.

 A beautiful old grist Mill that someone recently purchased and refurbished.  I'd love to see inside!

 Another Pre-Civil War era home.  Beautiful!

From the front seat of the Jeep!

 Don't you want to jump in and cool off!

 I love old barns!

Hope you enjoyed my hectic month of May that ended in a well rested long weekend! 
And last but not least, my heartfelt thanks to all of our military past and present and their families. 
Your sacrifices will never be forgotten nor taken for granted!
Happy Memorial Day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures... I cannot believe time has flown so quickly. *sigh*


I so enjoy getting your blessed my friends!