Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yes, I know her... (she said smuggly)

Allow me to introduce.....

So I have this beautiful friend.  A beautiful Southern Belle friend (since we are all things Southern here at "to the core").  Please allow me to introduce you to Sabrina May.  She is an amazing person with an amazing talent.  You see, she can take pictures.  I know, I know, now days everyone can be a photographer right?!  Well, she has one of those eyes.


We can be in the same place at the same time and she will take a picture of something that I never even noticed.  And I will wonder, was I there? 

 She is the ever constant student of the latest techniques and she covets all the newest and best that WOLF Camera has to offer. 

She admires other's work with passion, and says her work just could not compare.  Well I beg to differ.  And I know you will too once you see some of these amazing shots.

So let this be the first blog of what I hope are many, that showcase the work of Sabrina May. 
Photog Extroidanaire!

Now I will be quiet and let you enjoy the pictures.

Now this last one I took..... 

Thank you Sabrina for sharing your hobby with me.  I so enjoy it all! 
I hope all you friends in blogland enjoy it as much I do!


  1. I heart your blog, seeeeeester. I really do. (And I know her too!! She has been such a blessing to my life, too, the way she took pictures of my girls' bridal showers! I do love Sabrina. I don't know her like you do, but she seems like a kindred spirit. She and I would get into some serrrrr'us trouble together,if we hung out. Ahem.

  2. Thanks seester! You need to get into some surrreous trouble, she is fun! *wink*

  3. What a talented friend ... love the beautiful pics! It truly is an art, isn't it? And, thank you for your kind comment about my Fall kitchen ... I truly appreciate it! Have a wonderful day!


I so enjoy getting your comments...be blessed my friends!