Monday, January 30, 2012

New Year

I am SO sorry I have not posted since before Christmas!  The New Year is fully in swing and January has come and gone.  My husband and I have come up with a not so unique way of starting the new year.  We joined the Body Transformation Challenge at a local Health Shop hear in Knoxville yesterday.  We are SO on our way to transforming our temples.  I will NEVER show you our before pictures we took, however if all goes well I will share the afters! My appointment with the "Bod Pod" (I'm not kidding, that's what it's called!!!) pictured above is tomorrow.  I'll let you know how it goes! Hee Hee!  So hears to your health!

How have you amped up your life in this new year? Hope it is worth your effort!  Choices, Choices, life is made up of a million of them a day.

Enjoy the Journey...


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I so enjoy getting your blessed my friends!