Friday, July 22, 2011

The Dad He Didn't Have to Be

I have been married for 11.5 years now to a wonderful man that is still the love of my life.  Together we have an 18 year old daughter.  How can that be you say?  Well, I was married before, and brought a sweet little bundle of joy into the world in 1993.  She was and still is the apple of my eye.  However, things were not as wonderful with my husband at the time, and in 1995 we separated, and finally divorced in early 1997.  It was a harrowing experience I would not wish on anyone, but God being the God that He is and the lover of my soul, had WONDERFUL plans for me and my little one.

The moment we said "I do" my daughter starting calling this man daddy.  She was so excited to have a daddy, she couldn't wait to use the word, you see she had asked Bill once right after we first started dating if she could call him daddy, and of course we told her no.  She waited patiently to use that word again for 3 years.  She was seven years old the day she got a new daddy!

We gave her a gold necklace during the ceremony with three circles intertwined on it and Bill promised to her at that moment that he would always love and care for her like she was his own, and we would be a cord of three not easily broken.  And I tell you now, he has more than lived up to that promise! 

Bill wanted to spend time with Erica, so he gave her her first fishing pole and took her fishing, unfortunately she didn't like it, so over the years he has found other ways to bond with her and show her love.  He has taken her shopping countless times and to equally countless movies, he has supervised more homework at the dining room table than any man I know!  He has taught her life lessons in his sweet caring way, and even when he was frustrated with her he never turned his back.  He always worked through it with her.  Over the years he has made her lunch EVERY SINGLE DAY while she was in school. He added it up the other day, he has made over 4,000 lunches for her!  Can you believe that?!?!?  He has taught her everything he knows about boating, taught her to drive (I was too weanie to do that one!) taught her to mow the grass, take care of a dog, He taught her to a play a mean game of checkers and they were competitive matches I tell you!  But I think maybe the thing he has shown and or taught her the most is what a father and a man is supposed to be.  I cannot thank you enough Bill for being that man in Erica's life.  You are the best father, for a man who never had children, that I could ever dream of for my daughter.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart.  You are a huge part of the beautiful, Godly young woman she has become.  I know God is smiling down on our little family and very proud of the Dad that you didn't have to be.   I know I am!


  1. What a beautiful family and a wonderful father! You're truly blessed! And, thank you so much for your sweet comment about my mantel! I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend !!

  2. So sweet!!! I love, love, love this post!!! Bill is a wonderful father!

  3. What a beautiful tribute -- and I can testify to it's truth. Thanks, Bill, for being such a good father to our lovely granddaughter and a good and faithful husband to our precious daughter. We love you all.


I so enjoy getting your blessed my friends!