Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homes of Ocoee

My honey and I went to visit my daughter at her school this past weekend.  She lives in a beautiful town on a beautiful campus which spans a beautiful street with the most gorgeous Southern~Antebellum homes you've ever seen!  And I'm going to be nice enough to share! LOL!

Welcome to Ocoee Street, this is the first lovely lady that I captured, just look a the old iron work everywhere!

Isn't she pretty! 

Side yard iron fence

Back yard fountain

and statue

Other side of fountain...notice the iron work on the house for the balcony!

another little featurette of the back yard!

Look at this Cottage!

Let's get a closer look...

I could not resist capturing this picture of fall's splendor

On to the next lovely lady!  Can you stand it?!?!?!

She's beautiful from this angle too!

Next door neighbor is this little beauty!

Let me show you  a little more, just look at the 2 chimneys.

Bungalow across the street.

Is your jaw dropping yet?

The yellow was so pretty on this baby.

Don't you love the circle drive.

This tree was the coolest!

This was in a side yard....

He was so cute I could not help but take his picture too!

NOW...let me prepare you for the home yet to come, it is by FAR my favorite on the street!
I know it is really hard to pick a favorite, but I have; and here she is!

I am SO in love with her!

That front porch is to die for!!!

Just look at her!  I am speechless!!!

This beautiful corner of that front porch!

And you just thought I was finished, but there was actually a home on the street for sale and I got a few pix of her inside and out. 

Now for the INSIDE...these pictures are not the best because of the glare, 
but you'll get the idea of the craftsmanship!  It's all original and restored beautifully!

Front door...

This room takes dining SO to the next level!

The ceiling was just unbelievable!

Well, that about covers it!  i hope you enjoyed the pix as much as I enjoyed walking the street and taking them!  And to wrap it all up, I have a random brag...

Yes, my daughter goes to the same College that the esteemed Billy Graham went to!  did I ever mention that? 

I'm so proud of her!  

 Thanks for stopping by, and 
ya'll  have a GREAT day!


1 comment:

I so enjoy getting your comments...be blessed my friends!